A little bit about us

We are an entrepreneurial team who develop products that encompass our philosophy to embrace the moment and make the most out of every day. We have a passion for sport and enjoy sharing the summer months with friends and family. We believe that great ideas should be shared and we are dedicated to developing lifestyle products that reflect our diverse personalities and varied interests. We are focused on delivering quality products but make a rule of not taking ourselves too seriously. We are really proud to launch the Cricket Cooler® and we hope you get as much enjoyment out of using it as we have had in developing it.

The Idea

The idea came about when we struggled to drag all of our stuff from the car to the park one day with family and friends –  Coolers, picnic rugs, hampers, bats, balls and the rest. You know the drill! We knew we could help solve this, and in the process, make something really cool and useful at the same time.

You only need to take a look at any beach in Australia or drive past the local park and you will see children, teenagers and adults playing our beloved sport, Cricket. Instead of stumps (wicket) they will use a bin, a body board, a chair or any other item that can double as a wicket.

To kill two birds with one stone, we imagined and designed the Cricket Cooler®, which perfectly reflects the Australian culture – Good times with friends and family, sport, recreation and the outdoors lifestyle.

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